Because I want to write some sort of entry on this blog at least once this month but am not yet in the states and have thusly not yet started my boycott of the English language, I thought I would write something else that has to do with the overlying theme of this blog.
One of my favorite bands, who until now only sang songs in Finnish, has now recorded their same songs in English. Until now, their albums have not even been available outside of Finland hardly at all, but now more people are likely to be interested in them now that they sing in English.
It got me thinking that a lot of the music I listen to is in languages I don't speak, and usually the music from these bands is hard to get a hold of in the states. Do bands and singers really have to have English lyrics in order for people all over the world to be interested in them? It is simply another thing to add to my list of things that make English the world's language that I want to find out why this is the case.
In the next week or so, I need to call my grandma who is going to be in South Carolina when i'm there, and tell her that I won't be speaking English unless I say all of the same things in German first.
The other day, I was in a section of the library where people are not allowed to talk at all. My friend and I were studying separate things, and she was working on her English homework. She asked me to use a word on her list in a sentence, so I did. A library lady came up to me and said "you're not allowed to talk here." I was so angry that she said that in English. Am I crazy for being angry about something like that? I couldn't even figure out why that made me so mad.