I finally was desperate enough to brave the culture shock that the dreaded Safeway had in store for me. I had been avoiding the huge american stores that have bright lights and bad music for as long as I could, waiting outside while my aunt went to Boullineaus, staying in the car while my dad went to Safeway, and going to Whole Foods even though it's a much farther walk. But finally, since 3 people go through tissues a lot faster than one person or even two people do, and it was already getting to be nighttime, and the 2 people I live with both had class or plans, I was the only one who could go to Safeway and get what we needed. I entered Safeway and nearly felt a panic attack coming on. I shielded my eyes from the bright lights and tried to drown out the terrible music as much as possible. But within a few seconds, I was able to go down the aisles in search of what I needed. And I was rewarded along the way. I found Ritter-Sport chocolates, my favorite, the marzipan-filled one. While I was buying it, the cashier asked "how are these, anyway?" indicating the chocolate. I replied with an enthusiastic "they're delicious!"
And because I am volunteering at the study-abroad fair next week (I know that's lame, but it gives me an excuse to talk about Germany), I am going to get a bunch of Ritter-Sport chocolates to use as treats for people who stop by our table.
I have been neglecting this blog for the past week, and have not yet mentioned that I am learning French. There are several reasons for this.
1- I spent some time visiting Geneva and France during my time in Germany
2- If I learn French, I can talk to my dad and my sister Lily at the same time without having to say everything twice (because even though the English boycott was not as successful as I had hoped, I am still not speaking English with my family).
and 3- Because learning a language is fun, and I have often wished I could speak French, and Horatio Hornblower, one of my literary heroes, saves people a bunch of times because he is the only one who speaks French.
I went to the French club last night because they were showing a French movie, and that sounded interesting to me. I was able to introduce myself to people in French, but that was about it, and I had to speak English once they asked me stuff besides who I am and what i'm studying. Such as when I talked to a girl who also transferred here from my old University where I spent my first year. She said she hated it, and I told her that was funny because I loved it but had to leave when they cut my major (German).
This morning was the farmer's market. I had almost forgotten all about it, but after I woke up and ate breakfast, I suddenly exclaimed to my roommate "Today is the farmer's market!"
I went to the market and bought some strange things like pickled carrots, and when I finally found the salmon vendor, the guy remembered me. I was pretty surprised, since I have been gone for over a year, and i'm not a super rememberable person.
Situations in which I had to speak English:
-Cashier at Safeway
-French club
-Farmer's market