Mittwoch, 8. September 2010

English boycott 1 month and 4 days. Talk of exceptions.

Housing options for people who are boycotting English look pretty slim.

Some of my friends have been begging me to make exceptions for them. A lot of my friends are people I don't get to talk to often and wouldn't want to impair a conversation with. I have one idea, but I don't know if it will work. I think that since most of the people who want me to make exceptions are people who don't live near me and who I hardly ever get to talk to on the phone or video chat, let alone in person, I think that for every time I make an exception for someone and speak English, I will have to read 50 pages of a German book before I read anything else, not counting anything German that I read before making an exception for someone (even earlier the same day). Why 50 pages? Because 50 German pages is for me the equivalent of 100 English pages, which is the average number of pages I read per day. So I am making a whole day's page quota be in German if I speak English to someone who isn't my teacher or boss or roommate or landlord.
Because I am only taking 4 or 5 German books with me, only 2 of which are longer than 200 pages (so if I make an exception only 4 times, I will already have finished 1 of my German books), and will not be back from school until December for the rest, I can only make a limited number of exceptions for people during the first term of school.
This will limit the number of exceptions I can make, and maybe almost kill the desire to make exceptions for people. If 2 of my German books weren't all the way at the bottom of a suitcase that I packed as soon as I got here in preparation for going to school, I would dig them out and see just how many German pages I am bringing with me to my university city.

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